Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2nd day

Snatch - work up to heavy single, 155, then 75% of that = 105 for 5 sets of 1 rep 1 min rest

Clean - work up to heavy single, 225, then 75% of that = 170 for 5 sets of 1 rep 1 min rest

Front Squat - heavy single, 80% of that for 2 sets of 2...heavy single at 255, then 205 for first set, but tweaked upper back

I'm really disappointed about today, I tweaked my upper back and I get really irritated when I get injured. I don't even know how this really happened, I set up for my front squat, pulled it off the rack and the muscled connected my spine to my shoulder girdle just pinched. I've been icing it tonight...I hope I can get back into it for tomorrow, snatch balances.

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Day - Catalyst Athletics Programming

So I started my first cycle of Catalyst Athletics programming. I have to say that for those who have been stuck in a rut, switching over to some olympic lifting programming really is a lot of fun. Today here was the workout.

Power Snatch - 10 sets of 1 at 75%...rest 1 min between sets - 105 lbs
Clean and Jerk - 10 sets of 1 at 60%...rest 1 min between sets - 145 lbs<------this was supposed to be high hang clean and jerk, and I messed it up and did full clean and jerk

Front Squat - 1 rep at 70% - 205 lbs

50 GHD sit ups - did 20 reps, 30 seconds rest, 15 reps, 30 seconds rest, 15 reps

box jumps 24"
pull ups
TIME: 2:02

Food for the day:
Breakfast: bacon and eggs
Lunch: ground beef and bacon/macadamia nuts

Post wod: sweet potato

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's been a while

I haven't been able to update my posts because I've been so busy preparing for my final exams. This is by far the most I've ever studied.

I was able to go into the gym today though.

3 reps at 185
2 reps at 205
1 rep at 225
1 rep at 235

500m row

3 rounds of:
5 cleans at 185 lbs
15 GHD situps

500m row

Time: 11:09

My food hasn't been spot on lately. I haven't been eating grains, but I have started substituting sweet potatoes for my post wod meal.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Snatch Pulls

Today I worked the snatch at about 60%-65% for 2 sets of 5 reps....
100 lbs first 3 reps felt good...
90 lbs felt good

Snatch Pulls
4 sets of 5 reps

I feel I'm getting a much bigger jump on that bar...feeling stronger

Breakfast - 5 eggs, 6 strips of bacon, 4 strawberries

Lunch - 1/2 lb grass fed beef patty, 3 tablespoons coconut oil <---NEW, 1/2 cup blueberries

Dinner - Chipotle?...I'm not sure yet

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So today I started with a Grande Americano from Starbucks and sat through 4 long hours of class. For breakfast I had 4-5 eggs, 4-6 strips of bacon, and 4 strawberries. For lunch I had a 1/2 lb beef patty, about 1/2 cup of almonds and 4.4 oz's of blueberries.


Strength - Back Squat
275, 295, 315, 335PR

3 rounds:
400m run
15 box jumps 36" box
7 handstand pushups (parallette bars with head touching floor each rep)

Time: 9:49

Post Wod meal - half sweet potato with cinnamon and butter

Dinner - 1/2 lb beef patty, avocado slices, 4 apple slices

Monday, November 16, 2009

Starting New

So this is pretty much the first post from a new site. I'm going to be tracking my progress as I prepare for the CrossFit Sectionals coming up sometime in late February I'm guessing.

I've really started to focus on my training and just last week I started an intensive speed/olympic lifting program to build the technique and efficiency in the olympic lifts.

Monday -

Clean pulls
5 reps at 85% - 185
5 reps at 90% - 195
5 reps at 95% - 205
5 reps at 100% - 215

165, 170, 175, 175, 180

Amrap 15 minutes:
10 ring rows
10 push press at 35 lb dumbbells
200m run

11 rounds Rx

I felt really good today. I ate grass fed beef for lunch and omega 3 eggs for breakfast. I also had half a sweet potato post WOD